Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Law 12

The Chapter 1 Test is scheduled for Tuesday September 29.  Begin working on Activity Package 1.8 and Test Preparation

Social Studies 10

If you did not view the video Louis Joseph Papinearu: A Demi-God by the NFB of Canada please view the following;

Make sure you complete the 20 questions and an answer key based on the readings entitled The Rebellions of 1837

Friday, September 18, 2015

Social Studies 10

Make sure you complete Activity Package 1.3a for Monday. The readings can be accessed by clicking here.

Law 12

No homework assigned for the weekend.  Remember we have a guest speaker on Monday morning so be in attendance on time.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Law 12

Complete Activity Package 1.4 including the E Activity for Thursday.

Social Studies 10

Finish the viewing of the Underground Railroad: The William Sill Story from the point at which we finished in class.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Social Studies 10

If you are interested in gaining a more in depth understanding of The War of 2812 you cnn view the following video.  This assignment is optional. You are not required to watch the video but feel free to do so if you are interested.