Thursday, December 12, 2013

Socials 11

Make sure you listen to the BBC4 archived documentary "Monkey Planet" linked on last night's homework assignment.

Social Studies 10

View the video Gold Trails and Ghost Towns Yale Part 1 and Part 2
Complete Activity Package 6.3 for Friday.  The Pinterest board for the Fraser and Cariboo Gold Rushes needs to be eMailed to me by Monday. 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Social Studies 10

Imagine you are Colonel Richard Clement Moody of the Royal Engineers assigned to the new colony of British Columbia.  Examine a map of the Lower Mainland of British Columbia and outline why Fort Langley was a poor location for the location of the capital city of the new colony.
Colonel Richard Clement Moody

Social Studies 11

Listen to the BBC4 Radio archived broadcast of "Monkey Planet"