Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Social Studies 10

Please ensure that you have completed Activity Package 5.2 for Wednesday.  Make sure you have read the document entitled Origins of the RCMP.

Law 12

Remember the Chapter 6 Test is scheduled for Wednesday.  It is the same format as all previous tests.  There will not be an essay question but the ten (10) legal problem questions must be completed.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Socials 10

The Chapter 4 Test is scheduled for Monday.  The test will be approximately 80 questions multiple choice.  You are to complete the Chapter 4 Test Essay from amongst the options before class on Monday and bring your completed essay and 5 Paragraph Essay Outline to class. Activity Package 4.6 should be completed for Thursday.

View the video "The Voyageurs"

The Voyageurs by ONFB , National Film Board of Canada

Monday, November 19, 2012

Law 12

Complete the development of the 20 question quiz based on the readings supplied in regard to Drinking and Driving Laws in BC.  Students absent from class today without a valid excuse will receive zero on this assignment and zero for the Chapter 5 Test.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Socials 10

Dzenan has kindly sent me a photo of Yalda's timeline so everyone can see what it should look like.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Social Studies 10

The timeline based on the life of George Simpson is to be completed for Monday.  Use the readings Biography of George Simpson  as the basis for your timeline.  Please also ensure that you have completed the notetaking portion of Activity Package 4.5.

Law 12

The Chapter 5 Test is scheduled for Monday.  The Legal Problems for Chapter 5 must be turned in and you must bring a completed and marked copy of the Chapter 5 Interactive Quiz.  If you have prepared a set of study notes for Chapter 5 you may use them during the test.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Law 12

"Legal Problems" for Chapter 5 need to be completed for Thursday.  The Chapter 5 Test is scheduled for Monday.

Socials 10

Make sure you have identified significant dates in the life of George Simpson from the article "Biography of George Simpson". You will need to use these in the development of a timeline.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Law 12

Please ensure that you have completed Activity Package 5.5-5.6 including the e-activity regarding international conventions on terrorism. The UN website is no longer current for this activity, so Google the conventions directly using copy and paste. You need complete only 3 of the conventions not all twelve.

Socials 10

Please ensure that you have the articles entitled "The Hudson's Bay Company", "The Northwest Company" and "The Little Emperor" from my website.

Socials 10

Please ensure that you have the articles entitled "The Hudson's Bay Company", "The Northwest Company" and "The Little Emperor" from my website.

Thursday, November 08, 2012

Law 12

Missing assignments can be turned in using DropItToMe until midnight.  Activity Package 5.3 should be completed for Friday

Social Studies 10

Complete Activity Package 4.2 for Friday.  Make sure you have completed the reading of Pathfinders - Companion Readings.  Missing assignments can be turned in by using DropItToMe until midnight.

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Law 12 and Socials 10

Click the following links in order to see your current Term 1 mark.   Missing assignments turned in before the end of Block 3 on Thursday will be included in the Term 1 mark.  Missing assignments for Term 1 can still be completed and turned after Thursday but they will not show on your report card until the end of the Semester.  The reports are done by student number so that the information is confidential.  Law 12 Period 1, Socials 10 Period 2, Law 12 Period 3.

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Law 12

Complete the Criminal Code Scavenger Hunt for Friday.

Social Studies 10

Complete reading "Adventurers: Hudson Bay Company - The Epic Story"  Students who did not get a hard copy of the book can read it by visiting my website and viewing the four chapters of the book.
HBC Coat of Arms
Chapter 1 The Adventurer - 1670 -1720,   Chapter 2 The Long Struggle with Montreal - 1713-1821,   Chapter 3 Give us Good Measure - 1821-1870,   Chapter 4 Becoming a Business - 1870-2000