Activity Package 5.5 is due for Wednesday. You do not need to complete Part VI. The Chapter 5 Test will be on Friday so start reviewing Chapter 5. The essay questions can be found by clicking here.
Reminder that Criminal Harassment PowerPoint presentations must be eMailed to me by Monday. Please use The Chapter 6 Test is also scheduled for Monday. Please ensure that you attach a copy of the Interactive Quiz from to your Chapter 6 Test Preparation package.
I have booked the Library Computer Lab for Thursday so that Criminal Harassment PowerPoints may be completed Chapter 6 Test Preparation Package should be completed for Friday. The Chapter 6 Test will be on Monday.
Activity Package 6.1-6.2 is due for Tuesday. I will no longer be accepting "History of Civil Disobedience" essays. If you have not yet turned one in, the marks are now irretrievable. Reminder that PowerPoint presentations on Criminal Harassment are due on Monday November 22.
Chapter 5 Test will be on Monday. You must complete an essay outline in order to write the essay portion of the test. Activity Package 4.6 is due on Wednesday.
Complete Activity Package 5.5/5.6 Parts I, II, III and IV. Rodrigo, Connor, Alex, Katrina, Miranda, Sarah Parry, Sabrina, Fiona, and Sarah Stackhouse still owe me research reports on the history of rioting in Canada.
Complete Activity Package 4.5 for Monday November 8. The readings can be found by clicking here. Students who were in attendance on Friday will not need to complete Part II. The notetaking has been replaced by the in class quiz you completed. If you were absent for the in class quiz you will need to complete Part II in order to get full credit for the activity.
The last day for submitting Term 1 assignments is Wednesday November 3. Read the articles entitled The Hudson Bay Company and The North West Company. Be prepared for a quiz on the two articles.
Please ensure that you complete the Criminal Code Scavenger Hunt. Searchable copies of the Criminal Code can be found on line. Last day or acceptance of Term 1 assignments will be Wednesday November 3.