If you were having difficulty using Son of Citation Machine for your bibliography don't forget get that you can use EasyBib
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Social Studies 10 Summer School
There will be no additional homework assigned this evening. It is my expectation that all Five Paragraph Essays regarding Louis Riel are turned in on Thursday. This includes the outline sheet, the final draft with bibliography and a title page.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Social Studies 10 Summer School

1. Just a reminder that all missing assignments are due by Thursday.
2. The Five Paragraph Essay Project is also due on Thursday. An outline of the activity can be found by clicking here.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Social Studies 10 Summer School

1. All students should be working to get assignments that were on your missing task lists completed.
2. The attached photo is of the trial of Louis Riel. Where was the trial conducted? With what criminal offense was Riel charged? Although found guilty what was the jury recommendation for sentencing? What sentence did the judge impose?
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Social Studies 10 Summer School

1. For Friday you must complete the development of a 20 question multiple choice test based on the Companion Readings for the video Sea to Sea.
2. The readings were distributed in class but may be found by clicking here.
3. The final draft of your test must be typed with four possible answers for each question.
4. You must prepare an answer key to accompany your test.
5. What event is portrayed in the attached picture? What is inaccurate about the drawing?
2. The readings were distributed in class but may be found by clicking here.
3. The final draft of your test must be typed with four possible answers for each question.
4. You must prepare an answer key to accompany your test.
5. What event is portrayed in the attached picture? What is inaccurate about the drawing?
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Social Studies 10 Summer School

1. View the animated territorial evolution of Canada by clicking here.
2. The map included in this posting is of Canada in 2009. In 1867 seven British Colonies had the opportunity to join Canada at its inception. Which three did not join in 1867
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Social Studies 10 Summer School

1. The Victorian Era poster is due tomorrow.
2. View the video Making a Speech.
4. The Confederation Debate assigned in class today must be complete.
5. View the Confederation Rap on YouTube.
6. Who are the men in the above picture?
7. The Confederation Quiz must be complete
Monday, July 13, 2009
Social Studies 10 Summer School

1. Today's assignment The Reasons for Union (chart) is to be completed and turned in on Tuesday, July 14.
2. The Victorian Era poster assigned last Friday is due on Wednesday, July 15.
3. Marks have now been cut off for Mid-Term Reports. Any missing assignments will appear as zeroes on the Report. If you have missing or incomplete assignments your mark for the first week will be lower accordingly. In order to get the Pass credit for this course you must maintain at least a 60% standing. Students scoring lower than 60% by the Final Report will not receive credit for Social Studies 10.
4. The picture which accompanies this posting is of one of The Fathers of Confederation.
Answer the following three questions about this individual.
a. What was his name?
b. Of what political party was he the leader?
c. Of what newspaper was he the publisher?
Friday, July 10, 2009
Social Studies 10 Summer School

1. The PowerPoint presentations on the Rebellions of 1837-38 must be eMailed to me by Monday. Please send them as an attachment.
2. The Victoria Era Posters are due by Wednesday July 15.
3. Marks cut off will be Monday July 13 at 1130hrs. Any assignments not turned in by then will be recorded as zero (0) for the mid-term report which will be issued on Wednesday.
4. View the video Industrialization in the Victoria Era.
5. The picture included in this posting is of a young Queen Victoria and her husband. What was his name?
Thursday, July 09, 2009
Social Studies 10 Summer School

1. Lesson 2.3B Aftermath of the Rebellions: The Durham Report is due on Friday. I have provided hotlinks to the Resource List found on the first page. These can be accessed by clicking here.
2. The PowerPoint on the 1837-1838 Rebellions will be due on Monday July 13. I will be providing only one more in class session on Friday for work on the project.
3. The attached picture is of Lord Durham. What was his given name and official title?
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Social Studies 10 Summer School

1. Five paragraph essays must be turned in on Thursday.
2. Please ensure that you have eMailed me your bibliographies for the PowerPoint Project on the Rebellions of 1837-1838. My eMail address is nnichols@nvsd44.bc.ca.
3. A marking rubric has been created for the Powerpoint Project and can be viewed by clicking here.
4. The activity entitled Settling the East should have been turned in before the end of class today.
5. Please identify the individual portrayed in this picture and briefly outline their role in the Rebellions of 1837-1838
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Social Studies 10 Summer School
Complete the Cross Canada
Tour you started in class today.

View Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie and the War of 1812. Complete Section 2.1 Settling the East which was distributed at the end of class today. For 10 marks identify which famous battle of the War of 1812 is depicted in this painting.
Monday, July 06, 2009
Social Studies 10 Summer School

Please ensure that you set up a Twitter account by visiting www.twitter.com. Once you have done that please follow me at nnichols52. There is a brief assignment posted to Twitter.
For Tuesday you need to complete Introduction to the Timeline: 1815-1914, get your Course Outline and Plagiarism documents signed and bring report cards from your home schools if you have not yet done so.
For Tuesday make sure you have a binder for keeping your assignments organized.
Finally for 10 marks identify the Canadian Prime Minister that appears with this blog posting.
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