Complete Activity Package 7.1 for Thursday. Please note that #II and #IV have already been completed and #VII the Biographical Sketch is not assigned. A copy of the Word Puzzle can be found be clicking here.
Prepare a set of outline study notes for pages 113 through 116 of Patterns of Civilization: The Meeting of Cultures in India. These notes should be done in outline format similar to that which was taught in class. These notes are due on Wednesday.
Activity Package 7.3 is due for Tuesday May 19. This includes the immigration poster outlined in the Activity Package. Click here for examples of posters that were actually used to promote immigration to Western Canada.
Complete Activity Package 8.5 for Tuesday May 19. This includes the Chapter 8 Practice Test. The full test will be administered on Tuesday. Remember that a complete set of study notes for Chapter 8 will receive a five(5) mark bonus on your final test score.
Complete Activity Package 7.1 for Thursday May 14. Please ensure that you include the four questions from Using a Speech as a Primary Source from page 251 of Horizons.
Complete study notes for "Beginnings of the Protest Reformation" pages 147 through 150 of Patterns of Civilization. These are due on Thursday May 14. Reminder the Chapter 8 Test will be on Tuesday May 19.
Ensure that you have viewed the video entitled The High Renaissance.Complete Activity Package 8.2 for Monday. Please note that the study notes required by Part II have already been done for you and that all you need to do to complete the essay requirements is to complete the 5 Paragraph Essay Outline Form distributed in class.
Chapter 6 Test will be on Monday. Please ensure that you have completed the 5 Paragraph Essay Outline Form in order that you will be able to write the essay question on the test. Complete the Chapter 7 Introductory Activity entitled "Lure of the Yukon.
The Chapter 6 Test on the Byzantine Empire and Islamic Civilization will be on Tuesday May 5. It will be similar in format to the Practice Test you completed in class today. Please remember that a complete set of study notes prepared and brought to class will give you a 5 mark bonus on your test score.