Provincial Final Exam for Social Studies 11 is scheduled for Friday June 20 from 0900 to 1200hrs. Please arrive at least 15 minutes early with necessary materials such as pencils and water bottles. Students should report to Room D200 to return textbooks at 0830hrs.
Students with last names beginning
A through Gill will write their exam in Room B200,
Gio through Mil will write in Rooms B201 and B202,
Min through Shi will write in Room B203 and
Sho through Ze will write in Room B205. The following websites will be beneficial in preparing for the exam:
BC Ed Sample Exams,
Grade 10, 11 and 12 eExams-Practice and
Grade 11 Provincial Exam Specifications. Definitions for the
Key Verbs are available online, as are the essay question
Scoring Criteria.