Complete reading Canada: A Peoples' History - Companion Readings up to Part III Introduction: A Land of Many Cultures. If you were absent these readings can be found on the website.
View the Power Point presentation entitled The Laurier Years found on the website under Provincial Exam Preparation - Exam Prep Powerpoints. There will be a quiz based on the Power Point Presentation.
BLM 5-1 Criminal Code Twenty Questions must be complete.
Complete Activity Package 5.1-5.2. Please note that the links in the E-Activity are no longer active. Please use the ones I have provided and the data will focus on 2001 - 2005 rather than 1996 - 2000.
Wednesday is the last day for turning in late assignments and have them counted for the midterm report card. Assignments turned in after that will appear as 'zeroes" for the first term and as a result your midterm mark will be lower.
Chapter 12 Test on Tuesday. Prepare study notes or study cards to receive bonus marks.
Wednesday is the last day for turning in assignments to be counted on the midterm report card. Missing assignments turned in after that date will not be counted for the midterm report card.
Chapter 4 Test will be on Monday March 26. You should complete Chapter 4 Test Preparation package prior to the test. Don't forget to practice with the Interactive Quiz found on the Law 12 website
A slide show of the Senior Girls' Basketball victory of Stelly's can be found on my website. Special thanks to Mr. Benoy for getting the slideshow together so quickly and congratulations to the girls. Good luck and straight shooting against Maple Ridge.
Complete the six (6) Case Studies found in Rights Talk: Students and Civil Liberties at School. If you were absent the document can be found at
The Chapter 4 Test is scheduled for Monday March 26. You will need to complete Activity Package Chapter 4 Test Preparation. Please note that BLM 4-3 can be completed by doing the Review Key Terms found on page 122 of All About Law.
Students attending the Justice Institute on Friday should be sure to catch up with Ms. Giraud when you arrive.
Complete the six (6) Case Studies found in Rights Talk: Students and Civil Liberties at School. If you were absent the document can be found at
Because of the Grade 12 Programming there will be no homework assigned for this evening
Students should however be working on getting their Amnesty International Powerpoint presentations completed. Please eMail (as an attachment) your completed work to me at
The BCTF has put together a package of materials surrounding the question of the viability of the Foundations Skills Assessment program adopted by the Ministry of Education. If you are interested in exploring the issue from the point of view of teachers please visit
Complete Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Scavenger Hunt BLM 2-3
Complete Student Activity Sheet 7-1: The "Notwithstanding" Clause,Student Activity Sheet 7-2 Limits on the Charter and Student Activity Sheet 7-3: You Be the Judge
Read the Backgrounder of Canada's Legal System which can be found on the website.
Note the link to the eActivity that is supposed to direct you to the United Nations High Commission on Refugees is dead. You will need to go to and use the search feature to find Global Report 2002